I am taking a look at a portion of Prosper's loan portfolio. This particular portion has 113,937 loans in it and has information ranging from application data to current payment status. https://knowledge.udacity.com/questions/693819 Base on this, I'll be lookin at mid July 2009 to the end of the dataset in March 2014.
# import all packages and set plots to be embedded inline
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sb
%matplotlib inline
#loading the database and cutting it to July 2009 to March 2014
loans_d.sort_values(by=['LoanOriginationDate'], ignore_index=True, inplace=True)
m_data.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
84979 2014-03-12 00:00:00 84980 2014-03-12 00:00:00 84981 2014-03-12 00:00:00 84982 2014-03-12 00:00:00 84983 2014-03-12 00:00:00 Name: LoanOriginationDate, dtype: object
#making sure there are unique loan values.
m_data.drop_duplicates(subset=['LoanKey'], inplace=True)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> Int64Index: 84113 entries, 0 to 84983 Data columns (total 81 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 ListingKey 84113 non-null object 1 ListingNumber 84113 non-null int64 2 ListingCreationDate 84113 non-null object 3 CreditGrade 0 non-null object 4 Term 84113 non-null int64 5 LoanStatus 84113 non-null object 6 ClosedDate 26123 non-null object 7 BorrowerAPR 84113 non-null float64 8 BorrowerRate 84113 non-null float64 9 LenderYield 84113 non-null float64 10 EstimatedEffectiveYield 83982 non-null float64 11 EstimatedLoss 83982 non-null float64 12 EstimatedReturn 83982 non-null float64 13 ProsperRating (numeric) 83982 non-null float64 14 ProsperRating (Alpha) 83982 non-null object 15 ProsperScore 83982 non-null float64 16 ListingCategory (numeric) 84113 non-null int64 17 BorrowerState 84113 non-null object 18 Occupation 82839 non-null object 19 EmploymentStatus 84113 non-null object 20 EmploymentStatusDuration 84094 non-null float64 21 IsBorrowerHomeowner 84113 non-null bool 22 CurrentlyInGroup 84113 non-null bool 23 GroupKey 2048 non-null object 24 DateCreditPulled 84113 non-null object 25 CreditScoreRangeLower 84113 non-null float64 26 CreditScoreRangeUpper 84113 non-null float64 27 FirstRecordedCreditLine 84113 non-null object 28 CurrentCreditLines 84113 non-null float64 29 OpenCreditLines 84113 non-null float64 30 TotalCreditLinespast7years 84113 non-null float64 31 OpenRevolvingAccounts 84113 non-null int64 32 OpenRevolvingMonthlyPayment 84113 non-null float64 33 InquiriesLast6Months 84113 non-null float64 34 TotalInquiries 84113 non-null float64 35 CurrentDelinquencies 84113 non-null float64 36 AmountDelinquent 84113 non-null float64 37 DelinquenciesLast7Years 84113 non-null float64 38 PublicRecordsLast10Years 84113 non-null float64 39 PublicRecordsLast12Months 84113 non-null float64 40 RevolvingCreditBalance 84113 non-null float64 41 BankcardUtilization 84113 non-null float64 42 AvailableBankcardCredit 84113 non-null float64 43 TotalTrades 84113 non-null float64 44 TradesNeverDelinquent (percentage) 84113 non-null float64 45 TradesOpenedLast6Months 84113 non-null float64 46 DebtToIncomeRatio 76888 non-null float64 47 IncomeRange 84113 non-null object 48 IncomeVerifiable 84113 non-null bool 49 StatedMonthlyIncome 84113 non-null float64 50 LoanKey 84113 non-null object 51 TotalProsperLoans 19694 non-null float64 52 TotalProsperPaymentsBilled 19694 non-null float64 53 OnTimeProsperPayments 19694 non-null float64 54 ProsperPaymentsLessThanOneMonthLate 19694 non-null float64 55 ProsperPaymentsOneMonthPlusLate 19694 non-null float64 56 ProsperPrincipalBorrowed 19694 non-null float64 57 ProsperPrincipalOutstanding 19694 non-null float64 58 ScorexChangeAtTimeOfListing 16683 non-null float64 59 LoanCurrentDaysDelinquent 84113 non-null int64 60 LoanFirstDefaultedCycleNumber 6253 non-null float64 61 LoanMonthsSinceOrigination 84113 non-null int64 62 LoanNumber 84113 non-null int64 63 LoanOriginalAmount 84113 non-null int64 64 LoanOriginationDate 84113 non-null object 65 LoanOriginationQuarter 84113 non-null object 66 MemberKey 84113 non-null object 67 MonthlyLoanPayment 84113 non-null float64 68 LP_CustomerPayments 84113 non-null float64 69 LP_CustomerPrincipalPayments 84113 non-null float64 70 LP_InterestandFees 84113 non-null float64 71 LP_ServiceFees 84113 non-null float64 72 LP_CollectionFees 84113 non-null float64 73 LP_GrossPrincipalLoss 84113 non-null float64 74 LP_NetPrincipalLoss 84113 non-null float64 75 LP_NonPrincipalRecoverypayments 84113 non-null float64 76 PercentFunded 84113 non-null float64 77 Recommendations 84113 non-null int64 78 InvestmentFromFriendsCount 84113 non-null int64 79 InvestmentFromFriendsAmount 84113 non-null float64 80 Investors 84113 non-null int64 dtypes: bool(3), float64(50), int64(11), object(17) memory usage: 50.9+ MB
I want to make sure my data is tidy. Here I am addressing any null values and have done a visual examination of my data in Excel to check for one measurement, one cell.
#handling the prosper rating nullls & making sure that the Prosper Ratings match
m_data["ProsperRating (numeric)"].value_counts(), m_data["ProsperRating (Alpha)"].value_counts()
m_data.rename(columns={'ProsperRating (numeric)': 'ProsperRating', 'ListingCategory (numeric)': 'ListingCategory'}, inplace=True)
m_data.drop(labels=["ProsperRating (Alpha)"], axis=1, inplace=True)
m_data.ProsperRating.fillna(0.0, inplace=True)
#Looking for nulls in the categorical data
def finding_nulls(list_of_columns):
for i in list_of_columns:
return m_data[i].isnull().sum()
columns=["ListingCategory", "Recommendations", "BorrowerState", "EmploymentStatus"]
#handling there DTI and Estimated Effective Yield nulls
m_data.DebtToIncomeRatio.isnull().sum()/m_data.shape[0] #8.5% of the dataset is null. I will fill in with the mean
m_data.EstimatedEffectiveYield.isnull().sum()/m_data.shape[0] # 0.16% of the dataset is null. I will fill in with the mean
def filling_means(column):
column.fillna(dtimean, inplace=True)
return column.isnull().sum()
#there are indicators for full-time / part-time employment etc.
#A logical conclusion is that those with "Employed" as their Employment status must have two or more types of employment.
m_data.EmploymentStatus.replace("Employed", "Dual-employed", inplace=True)
(84113, 80)
What is the structure of your dataset?¶
There are 84,113 loans with 80 different characteristics ranging from loan number to open credit lines when credit for the loan was first pulled.
What is/are the main feature(s) of interest in your dataset?¶
I will be looking specifically at Prosper Rating which is a unique part of Prosper's lending model. This is part of a risk "Prosper Score" given to borrowers based on past borrowers' behavior. The Prosper Rating is on a scale of 1- 11 with 1 being the worst and 11 being the best.
What features in the dataset do you think will help support your investigation into your feature(s) of interest?¶
This will be a discussion of indicators that are not reflected in a credit report that could impact the Prosper Rating such as a borrower's location, debt to income ratio, employment status, and recommenders, as well as a loan's type and estimated effective yield. I expect that a loan's estimated effective yield and the number of people recommending a borrower to have the most significant impact on Prosper Rating.
Univariate Exploration¶
#distribution of prosper rating
plt.xlabel("Prosper Rating")
plt.title("Distribution of Prosper Rating Loans from July 2009: March 2014");
It is interesting that there arent any loans that qualify for any of the 8-11 ratings. This is confirmed when I look at Prosper Rating's descriptive statistics. I think it could be interesting to see what would make a borrower qualify for these higher ratings.
count 84113.000000 mean 4.062368 std 1.681808 min 0.000000 25% 3.000000 50% 4.000000 75% 5.000000 max 7.000000 Name: ProsperRating, dtype: float64
#Employment Status plot
sb.displot(m_data, x="EmploymentStatus", color=sb.color_palette(palette="rocket_r")[3])
plt.title("Count of Prosper Users' Employment Status")
plt.xlabel("Employment Status")
Most are in that now labeled Dual-Employed category. With full-time following as a far second.
#getting a better look at the general figure of the data. Even when I logged it, it looked similar.
fig = plt.figure()
base_color = sb.color_palette(palette="rocket_r")[4]
sb.histplot(data = m_data, x = 'DebtToIncomeRatio', color = base_color)
plt.xlabel("Debt To Income Ratio (Debt:Income)")
plt.title("A Picture of Debt to Income Ratio for Prosper Loans");
This graph is a smaller portion of the actual graph, but it still shows the same trend.
#These are all values. DTI goes up to 1001%; values after 100% aren't in the graph because the trend doesn't change.
count 84113.000000 mean 0.258679 std 0.306039 min 0.000000 25% 0.160000 50% 0.240000 75% 0.310000 max 10.010000 Name: DebtToIncomeRatio, dtype: float64
count 84113.000000 mean 0.169010 std 0.068645 min -0.182700 25% 0.116600 50% 0.161620 75% 0.225400 max 0.319900 Name: EstimatedEffectiveYield, dtype: float64
plt.hist(m_data.EstimatedEffectiveYield, color=sb.color_palette(palette="rocket_r")[3])
plt.title("Estimated Effective Yield of Prosper Loans '09 to '14")
plt.xlabel("Estimated Effective Yield (Net Interest Rate)")
I did cut off the negative Yield for a similar reason as the last graph, it showed the same trend.
#Loan categories
plt.title("Count of Loan Categories")
plt.xlabel("Loan Categories")
listingcats=["Debt Consolidation", "Home Improvement", "Business", "Personal Loan", "Student Use", "Auto", "Other", "Baby & Adoption", "Boat", "Cosmetic Procedure", "Engagement Ring", "Green Loans", "Household Expenses", "Large Purchases", "Medical/Dental", "Motorcycle", "RV", "Taxes", "Vacation", "Wedding Loans"]
plt.xticks(range(0,20), listingcats, rotation=90);
Most loans are Home Improvement loans. This could have an effect on its relationships with other variables.
plt.figure( figsize=(10, 10))
sb.histplot(data=m_data, y="BorrowerState", color=sb.color_palette(palette="rocket_r")[3])
plt.title("Prosper Borrower's Location")
plt.ylabel('USA State (abbr.)')
Most borrowers appear to live in the same state as Prosper's HQ. This is not surprising.
count 84113.000000 mean 0.017821 std 0.189117 min 0.000000 25% 0.000000 50% 0.000000 75% 0.000000 max 19.000000 Name: Recommendations, dtype: float64
#logged the count so you can see all of the recommendations
m_data.Recommendations.value_counts().sort_index().plot(kind="bar", color=sb.color_palette(palette="rocket_r")[3])
plt.title('Recommendations Given on Behalf of Prosper Borrowers')
plt.xlabel("Number of Recommendations")
It appears that most of Prosper's borrowers were NOT given recommendations.
Discuss the distribution(s) of your variable(s) of interest. Were there any unusual points? Did you need to perform any transformations?¶
It looks like, according to both charts, that Prosper Rating is unimodal. There are also no datapoints where a borrower gets a higher Prosper Rating than a 7, which is interesting.
Of the features you investigated, were there any unusual distributions? Did you perform any operations on the data to tidy, adjust, or change the form of the data? If so, why did you do this?¶
There were unusal distribution with Debt To Income Ration (which made more sense once it was logged) and with Employment Status. It looks like Recommendations are few. We will compare the few that exist to the Prosper Rating and see if they tend to be higher.
Bivariate Exploration¶
In this section, investigate relationships between pairs of variables in your data. Make sure the variables that you cover here have been introduced in some fashion in the previous section (univariate exploration).
# Correlation plot of the numerical variables.
numeric_vars = ['ProsperRating', 'EstimatedEffectiveYield', 'DebtToIncomeRatio', 'ListingCategory', "Recommendations"]
plt.figure(figsize = [8, 5])
sb.heatmap(m_data[numeric_vars].corr(), annot = True, fmt = '.3f',
cmap = 'rocket', center = 0)
plt.title("The Relationships Between Prosper's Numeric Variables");
This shows the strongest correlation between Prosper Rating and Estimated Effective Yield. The next are between Estimated Effetive Yield and Debt to Income Ratio and Loan Category respectively.
sb.pointplot(x="ProsperRating", y="ListingCategory", linestyles="", dodge=True, data=m_data, color=sb.color_palette(palette="rocket_r")[4])
plt.title("Comparison of Average Loan Categories & Prosper Rating")
plt.yticks(np.arange(2.0,6.0, 1), ["Home Improvement", "Business", "Personal Loan", "Student Use"])
plt.xlabel("Prosper Rating")
plt.ylabel("Loan Category");
It looks like there are some outliers when it comes to those with a Prosper Rating of 0.0. They are more likely to be business-related loans. Would Prosper be more willing to take on risk with business loans or would Prosper Rating be null when considering borrowers because it is not applicable to organizations?
#better general descriptor of Employment Status and Prosper Rating
sb.boxplot(data=m_data, x="EmploymentStatus", y="ProsperRating", color=sb.color_palette(palette="rocket_r")[3])
plt.title("Prosper Rating and Employment Status of Borrowers")
plt.xlabel('Employment Status')
plt.ylabel('Prosper Rating');
It looks like Prosper Rating tends to Average between 3.0 and 4.0 irrespective of Employment Status
Dual-employed 4117 Full-time 866 Self-employed 168 Other 124 Retired 29 Part-time 16 Not employed 5 Name: EmploymentStatus, dtype: int64
plt.figure(figsize = [8, 5])
sb.pointplot(data=m_data, x="ListingCategory", y="EstimatedEffectiveYield",linestyles="", dodge=True, color=sb.color_palette(palette="rocket_r")[3])
plt.title("Comparing Estimated Effective Yield and Loan Category")
plt.ylabel("Estimated Effective Yield")
plt.xlabel('Loan Category')
plt.xticks(range(0,20), listingcats, rotation=90);
It is interesting that Estimated Effective Yield is likely to be higher when the loan is listed as a Debt Consolidation loan. When looking at multivariate analysis, I will examine this relationship to see if it is impacted by Prosper Rating.
m_data.plot(x="DebtToIncomeRatio", y="EstimatedEffectiveYield",color=sb.color_palette(palette="rocket_r")[3], kind="density")
plt.title('Distribution of Estimated Effective Yield for Debt To Income Ratio')
plt.xlabel("Debt To Income Ratio")
plt.ylabel('Density for Estimated Effective Yield');
The density of DTI - with Estimated Effective Yield considered - is trimodal. It appears that yield is most likely to be increased when the DTI ratio is between 0.0 and 0.3, or 0% to 30%. Let's continue to look at this relationship in conjunction with Prosper Rating to see if this trend persists.
sb.violinplot(x=m_data.ProsperRating, y=m_data.EstimatedEffectiveYield, inner=None, color=sb.color_palette(palette="rocket_r")[3])
plt.title("Estimated Effective Yield of Propser Loans comapred to Prosper Rating")
plt.xlabel('Prosper Rating')
plt.ylabel("Estimated Effective Yield");
This shows a fairly consistent negative relationship between Prosper Rating and Estimated Effective Yield.
plt.figure(figsize = [8, 6])
plt.scatter(data = m_data, x = 'EstimatedEffectiveYield', y = 'ProsperRating', alpha = 1/10, color=sb.color_palette(palette="rocket_r")[3])
plt.xlabel('Estimated Effective Yield')
plt.ylabel('Prosper Rating')
plt.title("A Loan's Estimated Effective Yield Compared to Its Prosper Rating");